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It's good to take a look at yourself when you see that the problem is not the guy you're out with.
Im fun and like to live life the best i can while having a great tim.
*The catch is* she's admitted to having a jealous/possessive personality, but it's not to the point where it bothers me since I do like a little bit of possessiveness. That said, I highly doubt she'd want to bring another girl into the picture *with me.* Then again, I don't think it's something I can't work my way around. It's just finding a way to make the agreement that she can have other girls around as long as I know about them, and as long as she's willing to allow me as much experimentation as she's willing to undertake .
I'm one of a kind girl. Trust, loyalty, & honesty are very important to me. I am a 28 year old divorced mother of three beautiful girls. Two live with me one stays with her dad. I am attending the.
She has openly said she’s trying really hard and wants everything to be ok. I’m very aware that this could very likely result in her ending it. I just want to know how you guys would approach this situation to give yourself the best chance (or, as a girl, what you think would be mostly likely to help improve your outlook).
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And I'm not sure there are any words that can fully describe just how fantastic it was. He ended up staying through Saturday; he left less than an hour ago to pick up his friend who's flying in from England. I missed him as soon as he started gathering up his things. When I was saying goodbye to him at his car, I said, "You really should just take me with you." He kissed me and said, "Don't tempt me."
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No, it really, really isn't. I don't have anyone in my life that treats me that poorly. I wouldn't be in their life for very long. If someone wants to get hold of me they know full well that if they send me a text, or call me and I don't pick up, that alert will be on my phone next time I check it, there's no need to call again, or text again (unless it's with fresh info), if someone called me more than a couple times I would wonder what the hell was going on in their minds that they felt it was necessary.