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I have been casually dating since the summer and its taken some getting used to, mainly because internet dating was in its infancy when I was last single and things have changed a lot! Have had what I would call a couple of minor dating 'relationships' each for a month or too. Not exclusive but 'seeing each other', but didnt go anywhere for various reasons. Have mainly been dating to get 'back in the game' and not necessarily expecting to meet someone serious yet.
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if you like to know more feel.
Lately, she has been having dreams and nightmares about her ex who was abusive and mean. She was with him and living with him for 2 years.. that was over a year ago when they broke up. She has been distant, and depressed, and I cant get close to her. She shows me no emotion, and no feelings, yet she gets mad at me if I ever question her love for me. Her actions speak differently than her words though... as we all know they do.
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I'm not reaching out again, especially if she initiates contact with me a lot already. I'd guess that would continue.
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I don't think you've actually read this thread.
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Hi.. I loooove movies. Avid movie goer. And love to find a good binge watchable tv show. Mostly crime stuff, but a variety. I also have a new found love for podcasts. I didn't know there was.
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I don't care if complete strangers on LS think I'm being naпve. It does read like he was just making excuses. How about when he called me last night after I posted to see how the rest of my day was? He admitted to being lazy when he did that the other night and talked to me about it the next day when I saw him. Honestly I think he was just thinking about me and wanted to let me know that. Maybe I'm totally wrong and blind.
Either way, I am taking time to think about this. She knows we can't see each other right now and need time apart to think and work on our issues. I could decide to break up with her any time. I just don't know. This may just be how she is and was putting on a face when we first met.
I think this guy has either got a lot of head problems or is jerking you around. You really don't need either.
Love the brown eyes.
He's super sweet, very affectionate, treats me like a princess. Last night after we had a few drinks, we were walking home from the bar when he tells me he's in loves me! I didn't know what to say so a smooched him and told him I loved him too.
My girlfriend and I recently discussed this topic and I told her how I feel. I've noticed a lot of banter in threads regarding this issue, and I wanted to stir the pot and see how everyone feels.
I dont start it telling people early. It is usually after a few dates where people ask me stuff. I have had alot of guys ask me how many guys I have "been with" and I could tell alot of them meant sex. I wont say anything until right before sex, I just hope they dont get mad
Im looking for someone to hang out with and get to know. Dont wanna rush into anythin.