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Perhaps it's true to some extent that you are more comfortable when the focus is on someone else's needs than when you and your needs are front and center, and this may be a criticism worth paying attention to.
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Listen to the old one speak of all he has lived throug.
She is aware we go to lunch together often and sometimes I sense a distance towards her and I when the three of us are together. It's just a weird situation. Some people at work think we have a thing going on.. but we don't! A new girl that just started in the office who was unaware of his girlfriend at the time, kinda nudged me after we came back from lunch and was like.. "he likes you.. he's always coming over and talking to you." I just laughed it off and replied "oh we're only friends.. he's taken." Another older lady I work with told me the other day.. "he's a nice guy, he would be good for you."
lovely and carin.
Love this one. so uncomplicated. Ruffled hair. No make-up. No pretension. Just a stunning body, and "what are you gonna do about it?" expression. And hands. Love the hands!
I don't believe for a minute that he said that as a joke. It doesn't even sound like a joke. A "joke" is the standard comeback when you've been caught at something to get off the hook. Personally... the fact that hes in constant contact with her coupled with that comment I'd think.. yes emotional cheating..... I wouldn't be able to deal with it and would tell him how it feels. If he flips out, then you know its a long road with this guy as your future with him... is a future with him and her.
lol looks like shes forcing a smile