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I have never met a girl that I feel makes me happier and more fulfilled, and until that happens, I'm staying single.
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why the long face?!!!...ha!
i,m a easy going somebody,loving,caring,down to earth and God fearin.
my H does not... hell I just about had to beg him to order one on PPV about a month ago.
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This is something you are going to have to conquer when you are in a real relationship. If he loves you, it won't matter. It won't matter to most guys anyway, if everything else is in order.
Unless you got that cash written into the 'contract', there is no big payoff for most of the gold-diggers anymore either.
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Define older in this thread...a 17 yr older senior going to college parties with 18 and 19 year old underclassman who cant get into bars does not qualify as older to me.
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They're your parents and your first loyalty should be to your woman if yo are going to marry her, so it's up to you to make whatever is going on with them stop and stand up to them. Until then, all she can do is refuse to see them. You surely don't expect her to put up with being asked inappropriate questions, do you?
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So I really can't catch up with an old friend because I was honest with my bf in the past and told him what the friend said to me??
Well every person you date is different. I know for my ex and me, I fell in love with him right away, but this guy its taking a bit more time. I think this guy and me, get into a lot of fights, misunderstandings, etc. So the love isn't in the right place I guess?
Hi. I have never been with a girl before and am eagerly fantasizing about it.. looking for a willing sexy woman(preferably someone that can host) that will help me make my dream can come true ;.