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Okay so this girl I have been seeing is older than me.. she is turning 25 next month and I am 22.. For some reason I feel a little bit intimidated by her.. She seems to have all her stuff together and I don't.. She has a full time job she has been working at for 3 years and I am not working at the moment. There are few other minor things as well.
No words needed
I am looking for a nice woman who knows what she wants and how to treat a woman and.
any more of the gorgeous little thing in the front.
Originally Posted by lamaman3
His flirting could very well be harmless in his intentions, it probably is, but *even if he is just joking*, he *should* take your feelings into account.
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my name is stephanie and im from the presque isle area, im looking for a steady relationship, ive been burned bad before, but trying to get back on the horse. i need a someone who wants to be with.
Don't let this woman hold you hostage because of her own past failed relationships. You've been together for over a year, she should be able to trust you at this point. If she doesn't, something is wrong.
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Has he ever said anything else regarding some other person that has made you suspicious of him? If not, I'd lay your suspicions to rest, if it's something that bothers you that much, why not confront him about it? Just say "You said so-and-so at my birthday dinner, and I took it mean ____; What should I think about this?" If he blundered in his speech, or didn't understand what it meant to you, he'll put your fears to rest.
or you'll be commenting somewhere else
I hope you learned something from it...
Masters degree in mathematic.
I would love an opinion or two. A fresh prospectus is always helpful.
they are from sweden, born in 1995 both of em.
thanks look at my numbers
Girl on left has a different head than when the shot was originally taken.
yeah cutie 4 sure
"No response, so probably a fake profile."