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The man I fell in love with (and who subsequently broke my heart) was someone I met online. He didn't quit looking for women online even after we were exclusive. I actually ended up catching him on a date with one, and even while he was telling me that he loved me, his excuse was "I just wanted to see what she was like."
he'll call and speak to ehr for hours but speak to me for 2 mins...
For some moments, I ceased to exist. Only an ephemeral phantom remained behind, and that phantom kept staring at the screen in utter disbelief. Anna, that adorable, loving and lovable creature, who I considered a part of me by now, was with someone else, someone bearing my name.
But make it *real* -and "mushy"!
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Hahaha.. I don't think so..
She has shown more than enough interest in
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My biggest fear is that I don't want us to lose time together causing us to drift apart, I always say 'if we lived together it'd be easier' because my belief is atleast we're seeing eachother every night and sleeping next to one another. He tells me he wants to marry me and have a family together, I really do believe he's the one for me. He has many great qualities that you don't find in a lot of men anymore and the fact that he's such a hard worker and will do whatever he needs to make money is a very good thing but I jst don't want it to take over the relationship.
Hi. Hmmmm lets c. Am easy going,love 2 hv fun,can't do without music nd i so love fashio.
I'm a free and caring one, I love people for being real.
Will do.
Am I just nuts? Any kind of advice would be appreciated.. I dont want to talk to my therapist about it.
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Yes it would have been better if OP walked away instead of wasting further time with the douchebag but it's hard to think when emotions play a role.
omg...where has this pic been hidden?
Never seen her til now. What an amazing beauty! She has everything; but those eyes, heavenly.
Thats not normal..it's weird..I think you should really re-think your relationship.