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They do! In different ways as well. I've had guys I didn't feel compatible with emotionally or in a relationship sense where I'm looking for compatible values and lifestyles. People will say "Why don't you go out with x?" but they don't see from my point of view that simply having the same hobby doesn't make compatibility. At the same time, I've been rejected for not having the exact hobby as a guy - one rejected me for not being into cycling (which he is) while I'm into jogging. I think some guys look for their mirror image and want some kind of high octane woman haha (based on their profiles anyway). I mean I didn't get too upset at him at the type (some hobbies become passions) but I was a bit quizzical.
OP have you tried meeting women through cooking classes? Not saying it's the answer to your problem here, just wondering if you've tried it and how it worked out for you.
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The date is off
If he were that kind of guy, he would no longer be my friend.
The point is, find some NEW way of looking at it that makes it work in your own head and heart. You say that you are feeling "fragile" but this is actually going to need you to be strong and courageous. So, butch up, gal . Also, others might call it just BSing yourself -- maybe so, but if it will also allow you to keep in your life what YOU really want, so what? Just "act as if" until it becomes your permanent new mindset about the matter.
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They're called myths for a reason.