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Adorable girl.
Fuk me it's cold. It's so cold I saw a politician with his hands in his own pockets..
skyllcandy - i like really skinny and cute and innocent. the tinier the better. how about you?
I think your response speaks volumes, in that you will always see the utmost negativity in everything and everyone. Not the greatest way to live your life, always wondering about who's out to get you.
I said that there needs to be a middle ground. No girl wants a pushover, nor does she want a complete jerk for a boyfriend who never shows her any affection and who seems to only be interested in her for sex. Those who treat their girls like crap wont even get the chance to have them for a couple of years (like the good guy would), because she'll most likely have the brains to leave them before that. He didn't think this would happen. Too many girls convinced him otherwise.
I don't know if she is cheating or not but I know she is not avoiding the situations where that may happen... that by itself is quite dangerous...
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I never asked her either so exactly how did she lie to me?
Kinda understated hotness...doesn't have to try to look it!
Looks like 4 is destracted as well as us! :)
Originally Posted by Deonce
you know it was a guy who designed the uniforms
2 nights ago she tried to end it with me because she says that Im too controlling and jealous. I told her that if you are going to lie to me about something like hanging out with a guy then of course Im going to be more cautious and seem controlling but i do let her see her friends and family.
keep just for dc94's comment. hah