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So anyway I am trying to just be a big person and deal with it. The only thing I don't know is whether to talk to her about it. I always try to be honest because I think that secrets and lies always find a way back in the end. But I feel that maybe she will be embarrassed, or perhaps even that I will or that I may drive her away. But on the other hand I feel maybe there would be things that could make me deal with it better.
I have seen the socialization that men are expected to lay down their lives for the greater good, humanity, peace, their country, honor, courage, valor, etc.
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2) Don't treat her as if you're out of her league. Treat her as if SHE is out of YOUR league.
I suggest you go get help ASAP.
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I know he loves me, but the more distant I get, the more interested he seems.
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Yet, he can do what he wants and when he does his suspicious sneaky crap and I mention it (only because I am tired of the provoking) it is all explained away in such a RIDICULOUS UNBELIEVABLE way...I mean, come on....
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