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PS. Whatever either of you do for now, call the wedding off NOW. Take it off the agenda, take the pressure off one another. Take the initiative on this.
Neither of us wants the other person to simply disappear and force the other to move on. And he is young, and worried that he is too young to know if being with me or in love with me is right for him. We're both very logical people, and try as we might to logic around this we realize you can use logic on emotions very well.
looking for a genuine real ma.
at skrtlvr03: i agree!
I am a fun loving and outgoing responsible lady. looking for Mr. Righ.
1234monk3: You need to read the FAQ.
I am a women of many interest and talent.
The one thing a woman does have to worry about however is getting stuck with a guy who doesn't exactly like them but go with it because he is a guy who doesn't get many girlfriends. I've seen that before as well and he cheated on months later as soon as a girl he really found attractive was interested in him back.
The problem is these guys keep chasing the wrong women. Why should a real Eagle Scout chase after a juvenile delinquent? They would not be compatible.
If so I would love to see it.
For example, when I went over to her apartment, I didn't intend to spend the night over there initially. Well, the first thing she does before making me dinner is to take a shower. She jumps in the shower and comes out wearing pajamas. Now, I have to admit, I was caught off guard a little, particularly because I felt it was a little presumptuous being so early in the relationship (by that point we hadn't even been dating each other a month). Of course we ended up kissing and I got charged up in the heat of the moment as any guy would (not ducking responsibility here, by the way, as I know I could have easily said "no, let's stop here"). I momentarily stopped thinking about the implications of my behavior and just went with it until we couldn't go any further.
im 6'1 i sing dance and im a real super freak i love 2 play basketbal.
Hi.Am a single father I'm very outgoing and I love to have fun,I'm very Honest and straight up.I love spending time with my kid and I love dogs and horses I'm looking for Freindship that hopefully.
I like good people. Good music. The backcountry. I'm a jet ski dolphin tour guide on the side and work at a marina part time. Love to fish. Kayak. Camp. Write. Produce music. Love to cook. .
But given the fact she JUST hooked up with him a few days before your date shows poor form on her part. Thats just not cool for her to try to go out with you just after hooking up with him. And to tell you this crap on a date? She has no tact either.
You already know it means he wants to talk to you, I wouldn't consider it an emergency to call back, but you know he wants a call back when you can.
tummyfan - a really skinny girl laying down. look at those hips!
Oh Good Lord, I get bored after about three weeks nowadays, where it used to take a few months.
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This reminds me of the movie Sleeping with the Enemy, when all the soup can labels had to be turned the same way and the towels had to aligned. It's controlling and creepy.
Just wondering, but why did you guys breakup? Was it a mutal thing or did she breakup with you or vice versa? It could be that she just wants you to miss her. Or she just wants to know that you feel the same way she does. Seems like she was just fishing for info on you, maybe she is hanging on to the fact that maybe there is a chance for the 2 of you.