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people tend to have their "feeling alone"time and its how you deal with it.online dating also helps lessen those alone time but mostly will only give you those false feelings as what my friend has told me and i find it true. I myself had my share of online dating and well almost fell for someone online.it's a good feeling nevertheless,to have someone to talk to,who shares common interest with you and who makes you feel special..tho its all online.i agree with those comments here tho..you need to socialize more..lower down your guard and try to enjoy your life as much as possible..of course your career is already there so maybe try to be more active socially..make friends..go out more..and your right person will just come unexpected but you gotta work on being more sociable of course..and if you are the romantic type of person as youve said..then you would definitely attract girls
If I only made friends with people who are similar or familiar to me, I'd miss out on meeting really great people. Doesn't mean it's a failure if they don't become my BFFF.
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Was he ACTING any different? Was he in a hurry? Was he stressed out? Do you feel him distancing himself from you, as in cancelling plans, postponing activities or spend less money on you? If he is interested in someone else, he will try to distance himself from you. Be observant, but don't jump to conclusions!
Like others in this thread have said, it seems obvious you are not ready for a long-term relationship and your best route would be to end the relationship and not beat up your girlfriend for her experiences. They are YOUR issues, not hers.
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You both also get convicted of the second charge of murder.
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