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Don't post your ex.
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my mum saw him once, and she now hates his guts. she says she will not tolerate me dating a "Jap." when we'd stroll over into his neck of the woods, some people would stare. i am very brunette (light skinned, but very dark eyes, hair, eyebrows, etc.) and he is very, uh, white. plus, he comes from a wealthy family and he looks it.
cute as hell
OP, sounds like you're a player. Wouldn't you be able to "play" a fellow female student? Why resort to your teacher?
It seems so strange that you would cheat on him one week after he asked you to marry him. I do not think you should marry him. I think deep down you have many issues why you are afraid to marry him. I am sorry but I do not buy it that it happened so fast it was just an accident. You need to own up to what you did. You made a deliberate choice to cheat on him. Were you drugged? If not then you made a choice to cheat so please do not pretend you did not know what was happening. I am assuming you had sexual intercourse. If this is correct then you absolutely need to get tested for STD's at once.
The great thing about my ex is that he was honest - always. He mentioned from the beginning that he hated the distance, but he liked me SO MUCH that he at least wanted to give it a try. He just didn't think he'd end up caring about me so much that it hurt not to be with me.
He leaves all of the approval stuff to us, so that might be why he hasn't gotten back to you. He only replies when he needs to. Like Hellspride said the other day, "He's a man of mystery."
Hi.down to earth , easy going , have stable job and love to do art . Playing table tennis , a game of chess .. Or card games . Any thing to keep us busy .. Love to travel .
HI there, I am a soon to be a divorced gal that lives a bi-coastel life right now! I have been living in Norther CA (wine country) for many years but have always returned to Space Coast area. I.
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sin palabras
it wont increase your confidence the shyness you feel now will still be there.....the only thing that might happen is you will be played into becoming a regular john from a girl who needs new hair extensions and a ferrari.....well maybe not a ferrari....;0)......
“Please help we are stranded in downtown Miami, No Ride. S.O.S Again”
Fantastic line up (y) X5
I'm matt I'm half white half asain. I am currently Workin as a mechanic but I am training to become a full tim.
Hi.I'm kind and generous. I'm a single mother who want to love and beloved. no fake peopl.
countryboy - nice upload
Hi. message me if you want to know mor.