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Hi, about me.
The bottom line is we know she is fully aware of these profiles still being up, and at least checks out other invites she gets from other guys.
I agree, maybe he could of been more assertive and said no to having sex. But yeah, I'd feel like a bad person to sleep with them and then dump them the next day.
1 and 3 are very hot
The correct answer is:
her dentist would be happy to know shes flossing. Giggidy!
Ha idk lol i dont pay that much attention
Met this delicious red head angel today. My 3rd time with the perfect lady.her body moves like a plastic and she really know how to start and how finish things in a really exotic way,I have been with lot of girls from this website but never bothered to give a review but this angel is worth and deserve this comment EXTRAORDINARY body and and moves couldn't forget her body Still I Don't think it will be my last! Booking arranged by phone yesterday & confirmed this morning. Nice apartment in an area where it is easy to get parked. Pictures accurate, though one or two might be a year or two old. Great body and I loved the natural look down below as its something you don't see often. Everything needed was provided in a very unrushed manner. Lots of kissing. Some would call this a GFE but I've never had a girlfriend who provided this sort of experience! I don't think she's in Dubai very regularly but I'll be making a point of trying to see her again when she returns. Take care Ema and have a safe trip when you return home.
Just a humble chilled laid back perso.
I think the Fair would be a cool date. Call her now; tell her you just remembered you were going to the Fair tomorrow and would love for her to join you
I'd say, forget about that unfortunate night and romance the girl like there is no ifs and buts. What have you got to loose?
Nice ass babe!
Hi there my name is Danielle but everyone calls me dani. I work full time as an ECE and loving it. I have a few tattoos and excited for more. I am a caring person and look out for those who are.
He's not necessarily smarter than you, just more knowledgeable. You can correct that, you know, by keeping up with current events, reading the newspaper, etc. If you aren't interested in those things, you might have incompatible interests. Maybe he'd be good for a short-term thing, I don't know. Depends on how he and you feel about it. I would have a hard time being with someone long-term where we didn't have much to talk about.
Originally Posted by rov
@ pdt - I'm glad someone else likes the skinny shoulders. I'll keep using it
Also she is well…
I absolutely love their hair
Don't feel bad - this guy likes you but is messing with you because he felt hurt by you declining his advances. He made it obvious by telling you about the "womanizer" comment.
The person is advising his guy friend or whatever, how to find a good partner, not how to actually be a good partner.